Madeira’s weather is so mild throughout the year that it is very rare to be too cold even on the coldest winter days or too hot even on the warmest summer days. The difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures during any day is also generally remarkably small and consistent, averaging only about 5º C: a day, with, for example, a day with a minimum of 20 degrees thus normally reaching a maximum of 25º C.
Even in the heart of winter it can be blessed with bright sun and temperatures that are the reserve of summer in other places. Spring of course sees the most impressive flowers on this “Floating Garden”, but Madeira is so fertile and mild that you’ll always be able to enjoy the flora. The period in which one is pretty much assured of a warm, dry summer stretches from at least the beginning of May until the end of September.
Madeira is extremely well served by airlines and even ferry services, so you’ll be able to time your visit according to the best time to visit, bearing public holidays, Carnival and festivals in mind.
And the period around Christmas and New Year is so attractive that it in fact constitutes another high season, with especially Funchal decking itself out for the party and the New Year’s Eve fireworks display being an undisputed highlight of the year.
For more information on the climate, please visit the Madeira Weather page.